Wallace Family

         Mary Catherine Wallace and 8 sons.
                        (circa: 1909)
Back row left to right: John (Roscoe), Charles, Harry, Ernest.
Front row left to right: Neil, Richard, Ben, George.
        Wallace Brothers at George's funeral.
                        (circa: 1947)
Left to right: Ernest, Harry, Charles, John, Neil,
Ben, Richard.
A reunion of the Wallace family was held at

 the home of Harry Wallace in Cassville. Harry has

been bedfast since suffering a stroke. Five of six

remaining brothers attended. The men that grew up

on a farm at Flint Creek outside Cassville seated left

to right are Ernest, Harry and Charles. Standing left

to right are Neil, Ben and Richard. One brother, John

Roscoe of Ormond Beach, Florida was unable to

Wallace Stories